Thursday, January 28, 2010

Felt Favourites

Okay I am getting my act together..
Here are some fantastic finds from felt! There are some amazingly talented crafters in New Zealand.
Make sure you check some of them out and support handmade :)

Saturday, January 23, 2010

New Year

Right so i'm super late but happy new year all the same!
I have been super slack with this blog but it is my goal to start again.
We haved moved house and are now living by the beach (one block away) which is fantastic and the kids are loving it.
I also have a new studio to use for all my Wild Ones things, which is the best bit of all :)
I have been very busy sewing and am hoping for a very productive year, in between looking after the kids , breaking up fights, dealing with a prepubesent tween , a naughty toddler and other general household stuff :D

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

out of action

Well I ended up having to have emergency surgery on friday night, and got my appendix out.
Not my ideal friday night but hey, at least its out now, and now I am at home recovering, which means not doing much of anything.
Including sewing. I must admit I'm finding it hard not to be making stuff but I don't really have a choice.
Luckily I don't have a huge amount of orders waiting, and the people that are waiting are being very nice so it's all good.

Its hard being housebound and not being able to pick up my wee girl, but hopefully I will be back to normal soon ...

I really want to get going on my bed buddies I had been making, I have a pile of half finished ones just looking at me

Saturday, August 1, 2009

New Pics of hats

Thought I would add some new pics of the hats, which I can use for publicity too :)

Willow was so good modelling all of these for me, especially considering my camera could only take 3 photos at a time then I would have to run back to the house and upload them!

Diary 2010

Yay I got a page for Diary 2010

Here is my page, I finally finished it, deadline was today . I'm really excited to see the finished product!!

Thursday, July 30, 2009

la de da

well I have been procrastinating a little bit, I have a few orders that need sewing but I have been on a dress buzz, I picked up some funky material at an op shop that I have been dying to do something with, so I finally made up a dress last night for willow, very old fashioned looking, with puffy sleeves and high neck but o so cute!

I did make a wee bolero to go with it, but it really didn't , but never mind.

Willow looked so cute wearing hr dress out today, it was such a beautiful day here we went for big walks and enjoyed the sunshine.

Miss W fell asleep just as we arrived home so I made a wee pinny for her with a wee toadstool on it.she loved it! I was suprised! so quick and easy I may need to make some more.
There is a pile of orders here, but instead of being practical and getting them out of the way I decided I would tackle the falling apart kiddie couch.
argh I wish I hadn't! next time I will throw it out and buy a new one!
I did manage to recover it but it was a nightmare, and it looks a little bit dodgy. but never mind.
AND i am doing the Diary 2010 project, so yay, I only have a day or two to design my page so I better get cracking...
right off to make lunches, put breakie stuff out and make sure uniforms are ready to go for tomorrow then i plan on collapsing into bed :) goodnight everyone.

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tiger Hats

Last night I decided to do something useful with my time and made a tiger hat.

I bought the fleece online awhile ago and its been sitting there staring at me, willing me to make it into something.

So here it is ...
I took my Willow out today (supermarket shopping, scary stuff) wearing it and we got so many looks!
so i think I might make some more soon. I did manage to get sucked into the radar of fabric vision on the way home and just had to go in and buy more material , some lovely bright yellow, so if I have any energy left after the kids are in bed then I'm thinking of making some giraffes.
I really do need to stop going into fabric shops, it seems I am incapable of browsing.